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【来源:易教网 更新时间:2016-08-27



The English Bulldog was one of the most popular breeds across Britain and America last year. But during the latter part of the last century, many bulldogs were bred to have exaggerated physical features, which led to health issues including breathing difficulties.

Researchers at the University of California say popularity can no longer excuse the health problems that the average bulldog endures. And they say the gene pool has become so small, it could be difficult to improve the health of the English Bulldog withoutcross-breeding.

The Head of Health and Research at the Kennel Club, Aimée Llewellyn-Zaidi, said they continue to look at ways to ensure the sustainability of a breed if it is at risk, and they're working with breed clubs and researchers in order to do this.


English Bulldog 英国斗牛犬

breeds 品种

latter (一段时间)后半期的

exaggerated (体型)过大的

physical features 外貌特征

breathing difficulties 呼吸困难

excuse 为……的理由

endures 承受,忍受(病痛)

gene pool (某一物种的)基因库

cross-breeding (动、植物)杂交配种

sustainability 持续性

breed clubs (为喜爱同一种狗设立的)养犬俱乐部



1. When did many bulldogs start to develop exaggerated physical traits?

2. True or false? The popularity of the breed might be a reason why its health issues have been allowed to develop.

3. What could be a way to improve the health of the English Bulldog, according to text?

4. Which prepositional phrase in the text means ‘exposed to a dangerous situation’?


1. When did many bulldogs start to develop exaggerated physical traits?

In the latter part of the last century, many bulldogs were bred to have exaggerated physical traits.

2. True or false? The popularity of the breed might be a reason why its health issues have been allowed to develop.

True. Researchers say popularity can no longer excuse its health issues, which means that being popular used to be a reason why the English Bulldog's health problems were previously ignored.

3. What could be a way to improve the health of the English Bulldog, according to the text?

Cross-breeding could be a way to improve the health of the English Bulldog.

4. Which prepositional phrase in the text means 'exposed to a dangerous situation'?

At risk.



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  2. 李老师 尚无职称等级 数学
  3. 文老师 小学高级教师 书法
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  6. 石教员 南昌大学 临床医学
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