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【来源:易教网 更新时间:2016-08-27


英国国家打击犯罪调查局( National Crime Agency )警告,相关商务及执法部门在打击网络罪犯中处于劣势,因为网络犯罪团伙的技术实力在不断赶超相关部门处理这类威胁的能力。请听 Sangita Mysta 的报道。

According to the National Crime Agency, a key threat to the UK comes from a few hundred international criminal gangs. It says some operate well-developed networks that run call centres and employ translators to help commit crime on a massive scale.

Official figures, the report says, suggest there were 2.46 million so-called cyber incidents last year, of which over 700,000 were reported as fraud.

The NCA says the true scale of criminality is likely to be far bigger because of what it calls a serious problem of under-reporting.


key threat 主要威胁

well-developed 健全的,发展完善的


commit 做(错事);犯(罪)

massive (规模)巨大的

so-called 号称的


fraud 欺骗,欺诈行为

criminality 犯罪行为或活动

under-reporting 报案数量不足(指报案的数量比实际犯罪行为少)



1. How many criminal gangs are believed to cause most of the cybercrime in the UK?

2. True or false? 2.46 million cases of fraud were reported in the UK last year.

3. Why does the NCA think the problem of cybercrime could be much bigger?

4. Which word in the text means size or level of something?


1. How many criminal gangs are believed to cause most of the cybercrime in the UK?

A few hundred international criminal gangs.

2. True or false? 2.46 million cases of fraud were reported in the UK last year.

False. There were 2.46 million so-called cyber incidents last year of which over 700,000 were reported as fraud.

3. Why does the NCA think the problem of cybercrime could be much bigger?

Because many cyber crimes have not been reported.

4. Which word in the text means size or level of something?




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  2. 李老师 尚无职称等级 数学
  3. 文老师 小学高级教师 书法
  4. 陈教员 江西师范大学 化学
  5. 李教员 豫章师范学院 科学教育
  6. 石教员 南昌大学 临床医学
  7. 杨教员 华东交通大学 交通工程
  8. 程老师 大学助教 数学
  9. 石教员 南昌大学 高分子材料与工程