British slang is a niche of its own, evolving and transforming and adaptingfrom city to city and from year to year, just as the English language itself hasdone. While American slang has become nearly universal with the influx of TVshows, films, and other media filling the screens of a significant majority ofthe media-viewing global population, there is so much more available once youdig beneath the surface of British slang terms and can discover some real gemsbeneath the surface。
1. Mate
Mate one of the commonly used terms of endearment and affection inBritish slang terms. Used when you are talking to a close friend, and is ofteneasily substituted for the American buddy , pal , or dude 。
“老兄”(哥们儿)——英国人日常最钟爱的表示亲密,友好的常用俚语。当你同自己比较亲密的朋友谈话时可以用,而且可以与美国口语中的 buddy , pal , or dude 替换,用起来极为方便。
For example, Alright, mate?
2. Bugger All
Bugger all a British slang term used to be a more vulgar synonym for nothing at all 。
For example, I ve had bugger all to do all day。
3. Knackered
Knackered a great word and phrase used by Britons to describe theirtiredness and exhaustion, in any given situation. Often substituted in friendlycircles for exhausted 。
For example, I am absolutely knackered after working all day。
4. Gutted
Gutted a British slang term that is one of the saddest on the lists interms of pure contextual emotion. To be gutted about a situation means to bedevastated and saddened。
For example, His girlfriend broke up with him. He s absolutelygutted。
5. Gobsmacked
Gobsmacked a truly British expression meaning to be shocked andsurprised beyond belief. The expression is believed by some to come literallyfrom gob (a British expression for mouth), and the look of shock that comesfrom someone hitting it。
“惊呆了”——一个真正地道的英式用法,表示“被震惊了”“吓到了”以至于难以相信。据某些人认为,这个用法真正来源于 gob (腐国用于表示“嘴”)以及被惊得“目瞪口呆的”某人的表情。
For example. I was gobsmacked when she told me she was pregnant withtriplets。