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当前位置:家教网首页 > 南昌家教网 > 外语学习 > 双语阅读:“公鸭嗓”成英国年轻女性新风尚


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-05

Females are adopting a croaky drawl known as ‘vocal fry’ and showcased by the likes of many US celebrities including reality TV stars the Kardashian family.


Their voices are also getting lower thanks to the linguistic phenomenon - perhaps reflecting the need to compete with men in the workplace.


One cultural critic complained that it made young women sound like ‘ducks quacking’.


Paris Hilton and singers Britney Spears and Katy Perry are among other celebrities who pepper their speech with guttural growls and the style of speaking is becoming increasingly popular in the UK.

帕丽斯 希尔顿、歌手布兰妮和凯蒂 佩里等名人在说话时都会时不时发出这种低沉的喉音,这种说话风格在英国正变得越来越流行。

Also known as creaky voice, it involves elongating certain syllables so that they vibrate at the back of the throat, creating a tapping sound like a stick running along a railing.


With vocal fry, the phrase ‘no way’ becomes ‘no waaaaaaay’ and ‘whatever’ turns into ‘whateverrrrrr’.

用“气泡音”说话,短语no way(绝不)就变成了no waaaaaaay,whatever(无论什么)就变成了whateverrrrrr。

Louisiana State University researchers said that women think that lower voices make them seem more masculine and so better able to take on men in the workplace.


However, while the vocal quirk hasn’t done Kim Kardashian’s career any harm, many believe it carries negative connotations.

不过,虽然这种嘎嘎嗓没有给金 卡戴珊的事业造成任何损害,但许多人认为这种声音带有负面含义。

One study found that women with the speech pattern sound less competent and less employable.


The Society of Teachers of Speech and Drama has gone so far as to describe it as a speech impediment.


Chairman Cally Foster said: ‘It seems extraordinary that, having fought hard for the right to be heard, women risk not being listened to, or taken seriously, by adopting a speech impediment - one that is at best laughable, at worst vocally damaging.’

该协会主席卡莉 福斯特说:“这看起来真让人匪夷所思。女性费力争取了这么多年,就为了让自己的声音能被听到,而现在女性却时兴这种语言障碍,这将让女性面临得不到倾听或认真对待的风险。这种语言障碍往最好的方面说就是可笑,往最差的方面说则会损害声带。”



drawl: 慢吞吞拉长调子的说话方式

vocal fry: 声带微颤而发出的弱声,气泡音

impediment: 障碍



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